Saturday, August 25, 2018

Entry 1: Data Entry

If you haven't played Extra, please do. It's pretty critical.

[So, it begins in earnest – I’m basically going to post the rough translations I come up with of the game’s scenes as I play (not going to tackle all the random NPC dialogue, item descriptions, etc., I think…), plus random comments and such I feel like adding.
I’ve noticed this game is rated Cero D (17+), as opposed to Fate/Extra’s Cero B (12+). Which is kind of impressive in a way.]

Unknown speaker :: — start, confirmed. Welcome back. A pleasure to see you. Hello. Welcome. As always, I’ve kept you waiting for quite a while, Master.
 This is the virtual locale Tsukumihara Academy, built within 
the spiritual construct world, SERIAL PHANTASM – 
abbreviated as SE.RA.PH.
 Excuse me, but regulations require me to scan your data values…

Label: Admitted student
Category: Authorized exemption. 

Quality: E-

Confirmed. Now checking records from the Other Side.
 My apologizes. Records cannot be be read. 

“Your name” is a required field.
“Your heart” is a required field.
“Proof of your existence” is a required field.

Please enter your name, sex, and contracted Servant once more.

[Here I choose female, and the default name, Hakuno Kishinami, which means something like “white fields by the seaside.” The name of the school, Tsukumihara, is written as “plains of the lunar seas.” Similar imagery, there. Of course, Tsukumihara is in direct reference to its location…]

[The options on the Servant select screen are written like this:]

Saber: Standard/A good balance of combat abilities
Archer: Technical/Fights using Projection powers to strengthen his skills
Caster: Maniac/Possesses powerful skills, but is physically fragile
Gilgamesh: Cheat/Overwhelms enemies with infinite weapons


[I choose Caster. She's the hardest to use by far, but I'll manage. Since it's my second playthrough with Caster, it shouldn't be impossible.]

Unknown speaker :: — confirmed. Thank you for your patience, Miss Hakuno Kishinami. Good morning. Now, let us continue.

Translation unchanged, rehosted from Please support the original translator. 

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